時間 | |
地點 | 嘉義玉山旅社(六)/台南Dombo家庭料理(六)/失去展演空間的台中路邊(日)/台北地下社會(四) |
召集人 | |
詳情 | 夏天的最後,我們要再一次的”創造革命之後的世界”!!
今年五月底由日本議員選不上候選人&片中男主角松本哉所 並在現場,我們將預告下一波的重大行動….. ////////////////////////// 素人之亂介紹: 2005年,東京都某個凋零的商店街,出現一間名叫「素 素人之亂,就是透過有趣的活動,主張社區的獨立與自治。 ●向上層人的規律生活「持續抵抗」! ●派對、調侃式的行動,顛覆貧乏僵化的生活! ●「有時間但貧窮的人」能快樂、自由且有尊嚴地生活! 這種獨特的運動理念,在廣大青年之間得到迴響。沒人能想 諾努客走唱隊介紹: 誕生於 2010年的盛夏,發軔於諾努客 (No Nuke) 行動團隊所策劃的貢寮街頭 240 小時走唱實驗,非專業、純公民的素人樂團。在翻唱與創作 ////////////////////////// 「素人之亂」搗蛋記錄片: 這部紀錄片介紹他/她們辦過的活動。比如說,三人示威, 簡單來說,這是一部非常無政府主義、內心膨湃、漫畫般地 撮影/編集/監督: 中村友紀 出演: 松本哉 山下陽光 二木信 小笠原瓊太 字幕: 繁體中文 製作年: 2008年 片長: 80分鐘 "Amateur Riot" (Yuki Nakamura/Japan/80min) 預告片:http://www.youtube.com/wat ////////////////////////// 日本「素人之亂」搗蛋紀錄片放映+台灣「諾努客走唱隊」 9/3(六) 表演+放映 15:00@嘉義玉山旅社(嘉義市共和路410號,阿里 放映完後有表演 19:30@台南Dombo家庭料理(青年路232巷3 9/4(日) 走唱隊露天表演 19:00@台中不會被警察抓走的路邊! 9/8(四) 搗蛋紀錄片放映 21:30@地下社會(台北市師大路45號B1) ◎本場次需低消一杯飲料,禁帶外食 *歡迎現場樂捐 |
[我的台灣無比精彩] 影片編號288:
請鎖定 http://www.facebook.com/nonuketw
海洋音樂祭 反核四突圍發聲

在MC HOTDOG開場之後,諾努客成員獲得第1天下午的樂團go chic、拷秋勤、白目的同意,在他們演出中的一首歌裡,帶著反核的布條、紙牌上台伴舞,反核的大型海灘球就在舞台下被大家拋來拋去,成為最佳的宣傳道具,拷秋勤范姜在演唱「灰色海岸線」時並強調,「核四廠離我們這邊只有3公里遠,台灣要蓋第四座核電廠,而核一、核二被評選為世界上最危險的核電廠,我們不要求你現在就跟我們到核電廠前面抗議,但是希望你注意這樣的新聞」。十幾年來,綠盟年年在「海祭」發傳單、希望找到機會讓大家了解核電、福隆沙灘等議題,6日下午,得以在「海祭」主舞台這樣大幅度曝光,也算是創下了紀錄。







反核比基尼 搖滾在貢寮
海洋音樂祭昨天(6日)在貢寮福隆沙灘熱鬧登場,湧入上萬人潮,與不遠處核四廠預定地的煙囪形成強烈對比。「諾努克」(No Nuke)青年現場號召比基尼辣妹、型男在現場舉辦反核趴,不少民眾在拷秋勤〈官逼民反〉雷鬼RAP聲中嗨翻,高舉向日葵標語一起反核。
▲ 阿雅,徐詩雅,綠色公民行動聯盟成員,他和呂岱如等諾努克青年一起發想創意反核,自製「反核比基尼」,在現場對絡繹不決的遊客發放No Nuke標語,「你們知道核四廠就在那邊嗎?超危險的!」手比著海灘遠方將近3公里遠的核四,有的遊客回應熱烈,有的冷淡以對,「知道了,也沒什麼感覺,反正又不住這邊」,是記者詢問某些遊客得到的回應。在烈日曝曬下的沙灘上要不斷地與陌生人應對,可不簡單。不過,將簡單的事實告訴民眾,對阿雅來說,就夠了。
▲ 反核比基尼男女皆可穿,22歲的闞道,正就讀實踐大學社工系,一聽到朋友招呼要聲援反核行動,二話不說就加入行動。
▲ Jenny Picco (左),來自克羅埃西亞的交換學生,21歲,他說目前在家鄉雖沒有遇到核能爭議,但在台灣看到日本福島核災的消息,也從有人口中得知,台灣核電廠距離民眾生活圈實在太近太危險,志願來擔任反核比基尼辣妹。袁為琳(右),24歲,目前就讀淡江大學,從朋友傳遞的資訊中,得知核電的危險性,自願支援行動。
▲ 子頡 ,抱著反核氣球穿梭於會場,替諾努克表演團員斡旋表演證件,而氣球在稍晚的演場會中,拷秋勤、董事長都會用上。
▲ 輪到拷秋勤上台了,團員魚仔林、范姜熱情邀請諾努克上台伴舞,魚仔林在台上大聲說,核電廠就在此地三公里遠的地方,「核一核二核三中的兩座,還被評為世界上最危險的核電廠之一!」「大家一起說:不要核電」台下聽眾在融合歌仔戲、南北管、客家山歌、台灣民謠、原住民音樂的雷鬼RAP聲中,高舉No Nuke標語,一起搖擺。讓這場海洋音樂祭,在日益商業化的搖滾音樂祭趨勢中,反璞出一絲1960年代搖滾世代的反叛精神。
▲ 核四場就在遠方3公里處,兒童嬉戲的福隆沙灘上,對他們來說安全嗎?來參加海洋音樂祭的遊客預估十數萬人,阿雅說,他們詢問海洋音樂祭期間如果發生核災該怎麼辦,原能會官員回答說,核四目前的疏散計畫只針對周遭居民,「我們沒有針對如此大量遊客的疏散計畫」,「遊客自己會離開。」
Innovation in Anti-Nuke Protests
NoNuke Cultural Activism Group ("諾努客文化行動團隊" ) was set up in 2009 to protest Taiwan's fourth nuclear power plant. In the following interview, Yang Zixuan and Pei Linong introduce some NoNuke cultural actions:
The development of NoNukes could be split into 3 different stages. To see the full tale of NoNuke in images click here.
stage 1:(2009)
The first year, 2009, comprised of a music concert, local farm market and a film festival held by youth activists.
stage 2:(2010)
By 2010, Yang Zixuan, only 21 at the time, and other friends at G.Straight Café (直走咖啡) made a transformation into a loose, informal band, the NoNuke Street Band(諾努客走唱隊). They attempted to use music to communicate with the local communities in Gongliao Township (only 10km from the fourth Nuclear Power Plant) and encouraged locals to take up their cause again in 2010, after an eight year absence.
Following that, they also hijacked the HoHaiYan Rock Festival website, leading people to unexpected information about nuclear issues. It also got attention from the government who stated that they were replying to a "fake official website".
Their next stunt was to simulate a nuclear waste accident on the streets of downtown Taipei using fake barrels of nuclear waste, and see how the people reacted to this performance. In fact, they once got stopped trying to bring the barrel on the train from Gongliao to Taipei. Eventually after the police arrived on the scene and determined it wasn't dangerous, they were allowed to bring the barrel back - so long as it was covered to be invisible to other passengers and so long as he was escorted by a rail staff all the way back.
In August, Nonuke worked with Green Citizen Action Alliance to organize a music concert and demonstration in front of the fourth nuclear power plant, including a symbolic human chain around the power plant.
stage 3: (2011)
In the wake of the Fukushima disaster in March, NoNuke and the nuclear issue got so much more attention, that they planned a host of different actions in April and May. They organized bands and DJs to distribute NoNuke flyers and info during their own performances. For their part in the 4/30 anti-nuclear demonstrations", they did something unprecedented in the history of Taiwanese social movements, organizing a sound-demonstration inspired by Japanese activists Shiroto no Ran (素人之亂). Green Citizen Action Alliance and other NGOs organized this demonstration, here is their website.
Some other videos 4/30 sound-demonstration:
To find out more about the NoNuke Culture Action Group please visit the NoNuke website and facebook.
New Energy in Taiwan's Social Movements
May 23, 2011
Nick Coulson
From gritty Punk to technotronic Rave music; media savvy hoaxes to terrifying performance art; relaxing in activist cafes to energetic street parades; this months Focus we give you snapshots of innovation and creativity in Taiwan's social movements and in doing so a peek at the state of civil society in Taiwan. With local activist Zijie Yang as my trusted guide, I explored the recent history and the most dynamic of current social movement activity in Taiwan, choosing the increasingly active anti-nuclear power movement as a main focal point.
Having made the conversion to democracy from within the system rather than through outside powers, Taiwan can be an inspiring example for the aspirations of other democratic movements in Asia. Furthermore, Taiwan's advanced level of openness to outside ideas is unprecedented in Asia; the ideas they have brought in from outside have been modified and Taiwan-ised and may have a lot to offer the development of civil society in Asia, the Pacific and in China. The continuation of a robust civil society and social movements in Taiwan is all the more important due to the danger of relapses into more authoritarian governance that we are seeing in much of Asia, already known for being among the tightest regions in the world. Furthermore Taiwan itself is after all, still in a period of transitional justice; whether legally, systemically or in the collective psyche, traces of past terrors still remain, thus social movement aims can have a high relative value.
Before we can truly understand the current movement setting, we must first introduce the historical context and understand the background to activism in Taiwan. We therefore begin by abstracting Professor Ho Ming-sho's papers on environmental movement history in Taiwan. We also ask why much of Taiwan's youth seem so apathetic to social change. Is freedom no more than the 'right' to buy a Gucci bag. And yet we nonetheless witnessed many examples of highly motivated activists becoming ever more confident. What motivates these young activists to get involved in social movements nowadays? When looking at developments over the past few years it is impossible to sidestep the Wild Strawberries student movement which erupted in November 2008. We analyse two of the most comprehensive evaluations of these movements from two very different participants, to try and understand why the Wild Strawberries went mouldy, by looking at the organisational phenomenon and problems of new social movements in the post-modern era.
From there we can begin to question, what are the factors that will dictate future movements and what new energy is needed in social movements? One of the legacies of the Wild Strawberry student movement and its perceived failures, is what Sean Hsieh called "the opening of new spaces" for increased dialogue and stronger intra-organisational links. He introduces us to one of these spaces, Café Philo, in particular its 'Philosophy Friday' which, far less abstract than it sounds, focus on concrete social, political and judicial issues, cultivating much deeper and mature understanding in the socially active citizens that attend. A balancing act between knowledge, and practice.
Another 'space' which is fermenting stronger, more informed activists is Go Straight Café, which inherited the legacy of the WildBerry House but rapidly reinvented themselves and is now home to the most innovative of movement activity, in particular the No Nuke Cultural Action Group. They use music, art exhibitions and event organisation to open a dialogue with the wider public. Gong-li She use the medium of punk and rave, to channel the anger and frustration of the youth into action and activism, supporting social movements with music events. The communal fruits of these various groups can be seen with the 4/30 manifestation against nuclear energy in Taiwan, sparked partly in reaction to the Fukushima Nuclear disaster in March and in the exhibition 'Don't brush off what you see' where Esther Lu brought together 10 artistic works concerned with nuclear power and energy resources. In a tribute to the Yes Men, theInterference academy, printed 10 000 fake copies of Taiwan's major newspapers declaring, as a hoax, that the proposal for the controversial KuoKuang Petrochemicals factory had been rejected by the government. The stunt achieved its desired media attention and eventually the government removed its support for the project which could have endangered the survival of the last remaining Chinese White Dolphins. Another group concerned above all with nature and their natural rights are the Langyan Action Group, who every year since 2007 have lit pyres, setting off smoke signals that call for all indigenous peoples to unite and fight for what they see as incomplete transitional justice. This year they collaborated with No Nukes calling for a non-nuclear homeland.
In academic theory, its accepted that the development of social movements, the consciousness that group organisations can affect social change arose with education and the freedom and dissemination of information. Mainstream education and media in Taiwan is often criticised for being too didactic, and foreign teachers lambaste that rote-learning is the norm. Indeed, eRenlai is also a 'space' - our mission is to train people to truly reflect, question and form their own opinions rather than recycle the morning editorials that tend to polarise opinions, fashion a culture of blame and rarely present constructive dialogue. In this spirit we invite you to peruse our selection of the spiciest activism in the Taiwanese social hotpot...
Photos: N.C.
Movement Spaces: Brewing the perfect cup of activism
Activism isn't all about movement. Individuals need a constant flow of information, group debate and thus reflection on their actions and ideas. A culture can be born of the fusion of the ideas from a dynamic group of people and with constant interactions and a 'space' they can remain dynamic, constantly regenerating themselves to meet with oscillating circumstances.
Here eRenlai introduces you two bases of innovation, discussion and reflection. An activist factory and a platform for Socratean debate. Both serve coffee...
Go Straight Café (直走咖啡)
Go Straight Café was borne of the legacy of the Wild Strawberries student movement. After the movement was unsuccessful in its demands, they realized they needed a permanent space which would create the right environment to give birth to new ideas, relationships and energy. Two years later, Go Straight is not only the home of No Nuke Cultural Activism Group at the centre of the anti-nuclear movement, but has become a base and indeed the birthplace for many smaller social movements who may not have had the funds or the human resources to set up their own places.
As Yang Zixuan told me, "activists can't spend all their time on the streets protesting". There has to be something in between that. In between days of protest, whether successful or not, there are constantly new laws, new injustices, new attempts to circumvent the regulations of democracy, the public must thus always remain vigilant. While this vigilance has become easier with the internet and the spread of social media it has also encountered new problems - for example it is easy to be extremely active on the internet, all the while being extremely inactive in the real physical world. This is somewhere Go Straight Café can help to translate vocal or blogger support into a more real activism. Here, hardened cafe activists, Yang Zixuan and Stef Pei discuss how Go Straight has aided activism since it was established over a year ago and how they themselves have developed along with it.
Go Straight Café can be found a five minute walk away from Taipower Building MRT at the following address: No.18, Alley 27, Section 3, Tingzhou Road, Zhongzheng District, Taipei
Café Philo (慕哲咖啡館)
Although French philosophers, like Sartre spent hours a day frequenting a selection of café’s turning and perfecting their ideas, it wasn't until 1992 that Marc Sautet set up the first of the cafés-philos in Paris. Although Taiwan's Cafe Philo is a space of debate above all, it has also become a gathering point for activists and NGO's, especially the Philosophy Friday held by the Youth Synergy Taiwan foundation (青平台 Qingpingtai). While other social enterprises directly manage social movements, Youth Synergy takes a more strategic role, providing a space (the Chinese translation is platform) and support to other movements. eRenlai interviewed Youth Synergy's Sean Hsieh, to find out more about what they were doing.
Their Philosophy Friday is a platform that touches on vary facets of society, a public think tank of sorts, where they provide the space and access to the information and involvement in debate to promote open data, open government and transparency in Taiwan. While they sometimes attack abstract philosophical questions, they more often take on current issues inviting NGO's and social movement organisations and various legal and political experts. One of the main aims is to be able to communicate with the masses, so during these talks one of the organisers is always on site to rephrase any overcomplicated talk. Two Friday sessions that I attended were full of lively debate. Sean, told me that one of the things he was most pleased with was the participation of many older people in the debates, enjoying the chance to interact and share opinions with youth. To push for real societal change one cannot rely solely on one age group, nor can you rely simply on the more radical activists, that may be more present at places like Go Straight, who are directly involved in managing social movements. Thus opinions that are more radical than the society they are in, need a less radical platform in which they can communicate ideas. This is the challeange that Sean and the Cafe Philo team are trying to balance.
Café Philo can be found at No 20, Alley 60, Taishun Street (off Shida Road), Da an, Taipei
Both of these two 'spaces' have a different role to play in civil society in Taiwan. Over the last year they have both showed development into forces for social change. One thing for sure is that sometimes it's OK to take a seat, sit back and have a sip of coffee with your social enlightenment.
(Photo: N.C.)
撮影/編集/監督: 中村友紀
出演: 松本哉 山下陽光 二木信 小笠原瓊太
字幕: 繁體中文
製作年: 2008年
片長: 80分鐘
"Amateur Riot" (Yuki Nakamura/Japan/80min)
7:00PM@直走咖啡(汀州路3段27巷18號 )
主持人:諾努客行動團隊 楊子頡
與談人:素人之亂松本哉、樋口 拓朗/綠色公民行動聯盟秘書長崔愫欣
與談人:素人之亂松本哉、樋口 拓朗/直走咖啡楊子瑄/樂生青年張馨文/高科技冷血青年
青年的生活-文化-行動社群 放映+工作坊
主持人:陳伯義 (海馬迴光畫館)
與談人:素人之亂松本哉、樋口 拓朗/搗蛋藝術基地經營團隊&高師大跨藝所助理教授黃孫
6/11反核行動 國際串聯
We will create the new world after the revolution!
In 2005, Tokyo, a shop named “Amateur Riot” appeared on a withering bazaar. Amateur Riot is an antique shop, the keeper of the 5th shop – Matsumoto Hajime – who is the leader of “Amateur Riot”. During his college years, he once held hot-pot party in the student’s restaurant in order to protest the 20 dollars price-hike in student’s restaurant.
Amateur Riot supports self-governed community and community independent by holding all kinds of interesting events. The events they held are all highly connected with the life of us. Their protests are parties; they turned the street into some kind of playing field.
To fight against “the upper people” ceaselessly!
By holding parties and interesting events to overthrow the rigid poor lifestyle!
“Leisured Poor” could own a happy and dignified life!
These unique movement concepts are highly recommended in the mass group of youths, no one had ever imagine that Amateur Riot could convene more than 10 thousand people onto the street after the nuclear disaster of Fukushima.
This documentary introduces the events they held, such as “Three men demonstration”, “Free house rent demonstration”, “Koenji Revolution”.
In simple words, this is a very anarchic, emotion surging and comic-like documentary which takes down “The World after the Revolution”.
"Amateur Riot"
Filmed / Edited / Directed by : Yuki Nakamura
Starring : 松本哉 山下陽光 二木信 小笠原瓊太
Subtitle : Traditional Chinese
Total Playing Time : 80 minutes
"Amateur Riot" Cultural Jamming Documentary & "Chainging the Style of Protesting" Workshop
5/27 (Fri)
The Connection between Taiwan and Japan's Anti Nuclear Movements
7:00pm @ Go Straight Cafe' (Tingzhou Road, Section 3, Lane 27, No. 18)
Hosted by : Yang Tzi-Jie (No Nuke)
Participant : Matsumoto Hajime, Higuti Takurou (Amateur Riot), 崔愫欣 (Green Citizens' Action Alliance)
5/28 (Sat)
"Another Way of Protesting?" / Video & Workshop
1:30pm @ TCAC (Yanping South Road, No. 160-6)
Hosted by : President of No Nuke & TCAC 徐文瑞
Participant : Matsumoto Hajime (Amateur Riot), Yang Tzi-Shuan(Go Stragith Cafe'), 張馨文 (樂生青年), 黃姿華 (高科技冷血青年), Gong-Li She
New Friend Hair Salon - "Dear Friend" Opening Show
8:00pm @ House of County Magistrate (Weimin Street, No. 1, Tainan City)
5/29 (Sun)
Life of Youth - Culture - Action Groups / Video & Workshop
3:00pm @ Wire (Minsheng Road, Tainan No. 5, Lane 132, Section 1)
Hosted by : 陳伯義 (海馬迴光畫館)
Participant : Matsumoto Hajime, Higuti Takurou (Amateur Riot),
搗蛋藝術基地經營團隊&高師大跨藝所助理教授黃孫權, 府城舊冊店潘靜竹, Yang Tzi-Shuan(Go Stragith Cafe')
福島三週月 素人之亂邀請全球共上街
為了下一代 全台人民怒反核 [台灣立報] 2011-05-02
向日葵綻放 廢核恕吼 號召百萬連署 [台灣時報] 2011-05-01
向日葵廢核遊行 萬人參與 [人間福報] 2011-05-01
廢核大遊行萬人上街 全台遍地開花 [聯合報] 2011-05-01
躺馬路7千人反核 北中南東大串聯 [台灣蘋果日報] 2011-05-01
總統府前_5千人路倒_模擬核災慘狀 [中國時報] 2011-05-01
向日葵遊行千人齊心宣示廢核 中央社
彰顯自主性430廢核議題更聚焦 [中國時報] 2011-05-01
宜蘭動員 北上參加反核遊行 [自由時報] 2011-05-01
福島災民恐遭限令出境 移民署:有前例 環團:太緊張 [中國時報] 2011-05-01
福島災民挺廢核 恐遭限令離境 [中國時報] 2011-05-01
貢寮人:核四不運轉 改博物館 聯合報 2011-05-01
「我要孩子、不要核子﹗」廢核行動全台五地齊發聲 自由時報 2011-05-01
全台四地同步/廢核大遊行 今登場 [自由時報] 2011-04-30
反核 夜宿台電 今上街 [聯合報] 2011-04-30
向日葵反核 親子上街頭 聯合晚報 2011-04-30
府:廢核遊行訴求 政府聽到了 中央社 2011-04-30
反核廢放我家後院 台東千人大遊行 中央社 2011-04-30
萬人臥凱道 吶喊拒核能 PNN 2011-04-30
全台廢核串連大遊行(高雄場) PNN 2011-04-30
南台七縣市匯聚高雄 展現多元熱情 苦勞 2011-05-01
台東反核遊行 捍衛土地 拒絕核廢 苦勞 2011-04-30
台北向日葵廢核行動 五千民眾響應 苦勞 2011-04-30